gene order

美 [dʒiːn ˈɔːrdər]英 [dʒiːn ˈɔːdə(r)]
  • n.基因序列
gene ordergene order
  1. In post-genomic era , the gene order has been decoded , but the biological functionis still shrouded in mystery .


  2. It suggested that prokaryotic expression plasmids constructed successfully when we checked the reading frame of the plasmids without any frameshift after purpose gene order insertion . 6 .


  3. Han race , Hui race , Mongolia , Gene order .


  4. Advances on Research of Arthropoda Mitochondrial Genomes and Analysis of Gene Order


  5. The genome team reorganization is the genome team changes the gene order of rank the biochemistry process .


  6. Despite our awareness of the wide reach of selection as an evolutionary force , its expanding sphere of influence for example , on gene order or synonymous mutations continues to surprise us .


  7. K-means clustering is simple and fast . However , the number of cluster centers , the choice of initial cluster centers , the distribution of gene order and gene expression data will affect the correctness and precision of clustering results .


  8. Genotyping of TTV : according to reported part gene order of TTV DNA , it has high variability . To detect TTV DNA in blood serum by PCR is the maim means to diagnosis the TTV infection .


  9. The goal is to find the shortest sequence of genome arrangements operations that transform one genome into another . The genome team reorganizes the sorting question to originate in the genome team the gene order of rank comparison .


  10. The main research contents are listed as follow : ( 1 ) . Alzheimer disease , the technology of gene-chip , current research situation to identify genes associated Alzheimer disease and the main methods of finding the optimal gene order are introduced . ( 2 ) .


  11. The features of complete mitochondrial genome from 68 species of arthropods have been surveyed and summarized with respects of their genomic organization , contents , and gene order , and in particularly gene order of these mitochondrial genomes have analyzed in details .


  12. The number of complete mitochondrial genomes of arthropod species studied has been increased to 44.In this article we attempt to summarize the basic features of mt genome , the gene order , the occurrence of mt gene rearrangements and the mechanism of gene rearrangement of arthropods , etc.


  13. By analysing the gene order of the Sh_2 / A_1 orthologous region of maize , rice , sorghum , wheat , and barley , the Sh_2 and A_1 homologs are separated by 20 kb in rice and sorghum and by 140 kb in maize .


  14. Objective : To analysis their functions of LEA gene in order to cultivated salt tolerance plants through the genetic engineering means .


  15. The most efficient and ultimate method is to utilize saline-alkaline resisted gene in order to breed high-resisted species .


  16. Objective : We investigated the relationship between Ada protein and the effective transcription of alkA gene in order to study the regulation of alkA gene expression by Ada protein .


  17. Objective : To sequence core 1 β 3-Galactosyltransferase gene in order to sought an abnormality in coding region sequence of the sequence in IgA nephropathy ( IgAN ) .


  18. Saleh . " We were also able to locate where the estrogen receptor binds on the gene in order to block its expression , which indicates that the hormone exerts direct action in this case . "


  19. Objective To construct a highly efficient eukaryotic expression vector carrying human peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor δ( hPPAR δ) gene in order to provide an ideal molecular platform for screening natural ligands and functional study of hPPAR δ .


  20. A Preliminary Research on the Gene Loss During Order Evolution of Saccharomyces cerevisiae


  21. It must protect its habitat and gene diversity in order to conserve species .


  22. Results showed that the high-efficiency DNA recombination had take place and the target gene was working order after DNA excitation . Objective : ⅰ .


  23. Including HIF-1a can promote tumour cell glucose transporter proteins ( Glut ) gene expression in order to meet the energy needs of tumour growth .


  24. The mt genome of Gekko is similar to most of the vertebrates in gene components , order , orientation , tRNA structures , low percentage of guanine and high percentage of thymine , and skews of base GC and AT .


  25. In the course of the experiment the skin of the accident to be pathogenic acetic acid bacteria ( Granulibacter bethesdensis ) gene fragments in order to further understanding of the gene in the skin of cloven-hoofed animals that exist in the function and laid the foundation for disease prevention .


  26. Then cross-spectrum evaluation method was applied to gene expression data in order to find time-delay relations among genes .


  27. Objective To develop an efficient non-viral gene delivery system in order to transfer ? CDKN1B gene efficiently into lung and liver carcinoma cells .


  28. In this study , Vitamin E ( Tocopherol ) level of Medicago sativa is promoted by gene engineering technology in order to improve its quality .


  29. As the complexity and diversity of gene structure , in order to improve the identification accuracy , the position of bases in gene should be divided into three classes .


  30. Japonica rice Taichung 65 and its pollen sterile near-isogenic lines were used to study the function of specific-compatibility gene in vitro in order to further perfect the academic viewpoint .
